Carrie Newcomer, Musician and Poet

Carrie Newcomer, Musician and Poet

In the latest episode of the CBF Podcast Conversation, we sat down with Carrie Newcomer.  She is an award-winning songwriter, performer, poet, author, and artist.  Newcomer also cohosts The Growing Edge podcast with Parker Palmer.  Check out our conversation with her about her new album, “Until Now,” and the challenges of being a traveling musician … Continue reading

Cultivating Beloved Community: Collaborative Expression
CBF Field Personnel / Missions / offering for global missions

Cultivating Beloved Community: Collaborative Expression

CBF field personnel, Jonathan Bailey is a musician. He plays the cello. Though he is not a professional musician, music has been an integral part of Jonathan’s life.  Recently Jonathan reflected on the opening lines to Robert Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall.”. “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall,That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,And spills … Continue reading

Global Poverty: The Generosity of Presence
CBF Field Personnel / offering for global missions / Prayers

Global Poverty: The Generosity of Presence

Finally, there was a break from the pandemic which had shut down things in Spain. CBF field personnel Michelle Norman welcomed the change and the freedom to be out a bit more. Michelle’s friend, Sonya* also welcomed the freedom. Now she was able to take her daughter to the dentist. As is the case with … Continue reading

I can’t take it anymore
CBF Field Personnel / Field Personnel / General CBF

I can’t take it anymore

By Michelle Norman Each Tuesday, we gather our special authorization forms that enable us to travel the 10 minutes to the neighboring town to work at the food bank of the local Baptist Church. Without the authorization forms, we would not be permitted to leave our town due to the tight COVID restrictions currently in … Continue reading

The Fear Factor
COVID-19 / General CBF / Leadership Scholars / Resources / women in ministry / young Baptists

The Fear Factor

By Sarah Hemberger Let’s talk about what scares you. I don’t mean the kind of scared you get when watching those horror movies this time of year or the sudden jolt you feel when someone jumps out and surprises you. No. I’m talking about fear—that deep emotion you cannot avoid, yet struggle to find the … Continue reading

Re-engaging ministry in Tokyo
CBF Field Personnel / COVID-19 / Field Personnel / General CBF / Missions / women in ministry

Re-engaging ministry in Tokyo

By Laura Foushee The last time I preached for our church in Tokyo (Tokiwadai Baptist Church) was in November. It was by video, allowing as many takes as I needed. The last time I had walked into a church building for worship was in March of last year. The last time I had used public transportation … Continue reading

Love in the Time of COVID-19
CBF Field Personnel / COVID-19 / offering for global missions

Love in the Time of COVID-19

By Steven Porter Pastors keep asking me how to respond to the crises in Haiti, Afghanistan, and Lebanon. My answer: PRAY and then GIVE to the Offering for Global Missions. Why? Because presence matters.  Moments like these are the reason our Fellowship pools resources to support committed and highly trained people whom God has called … Continue reading

Next Year in Jerusalem!
Field Personnel / Field Personnel Columns / General CBF

Next Year in Jerusalem!

By Field Personnel in Southeast Asia Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei peri hagafen. Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. We heard this four times throughout our dinner on Thursday evening, on one of our favorite nights of the year. Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, borei peri hagafen. Blessed art Thou, LORD our God, King of the universe, Creator … Continue reading

Amid multiple crises in Venezuela, FAMILIA provides support to local pastors in need
COVID-19 / Featured / General CBF / Healthcare Ministries / La Familia / refugees

Amid multiple crises in Venezuela, FAMILIA provides support to local pastors in need

By Caleb Mynatt For citizens of most of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has been the crisis that has encompassed our lives over the past year. But for citizens of Venezuela, the pandemic is just one crisis of many that Venezuelans have had to navigate and survive.  One group hit particularly hard in Venezuela are … Continue reading