bold faith / Holy Week / Paul Baxley

Words in the Dark: The Seven Last Words of Christ – Good Friday

“It is finished”

These last words of Jesus are really one word in Greek… “tetelestai”

Is it a word of surrender? A word of resignation? We are tempted to hear it that way. And right now, many of us are tempted to think that way. After all, we don’t know how long this unusual season will last. We don’t yet know what all the impacts will be. It is easy to surrender, to feel defeated, to give up.

But no. That word can also be translated “victory.” Is it a word of triumph? A cry of conquest? Does he cry out as one who can see Sunday morning from a dark Friday afternoon?

What does it mean for us to live as people who are held by a resurrection confidence in the midst of a Good Friday world? How can we announce the power of resurrection with our words and deeds and in our congregations?

Watch the sixth installment of a special 7-part Holy Week video series with CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley titled “Words in the Dark: The Seven Last Words of Christ.”

Learn more and view the entire “Words in the Dark” video series throughout Holy Week 2020 at

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