bold faith / Holy Week / Paul Baxley

Words in the Dark: The Seven Last Words of Christ – Holy Saturday

“Into your hands I commend my Spirit”

This is the second time Jesus quotes the Psalms, this time Psalm 31:5.

In the midst of the darkness, the anguish, the approaching death, Jesus’ prayer is not one of anxiety or abandonment, but one of trust. It is a trust that shines like light in a very dark place

The way Jesus prays requires him to take himself out of other hands and put himself in God’s hands. What hands does Jesus reject as he prays this prayer? He rejects the hands of the corrupt government, or the angry people around him, or those who have taunted him. He decides to place himself in the hands of the one who is always with him in love and power

What would it mean for us now to pray and live in trust—to  trust the presence and provision of God? To recognize his presence in the darkness? To know that we are not alone?  What hands and powers might we have to reject? To diminish? What would it mean to live these days in trust?

Watch the final installment of a special 7-part Holy Week video series with CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley titled “Words in the Dark: The Seven Last Words of Christ.”

Learn more and view the entire “Words in the Dark” video series throughout Holy Week 2020 at

One thought on “Words in the Dark: The Seven Last Words of Christ – Holy Saturday

  1. I have enjoyed these so much. Thank you to everyone who had a part in producing them.

    Blessings for a meaningful Easter,

    Rev. Mary Jo Gessner Minister of Pastoral Care First Baptist Madison, AL


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